Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to give you my credit card number over the internet?

Our secure servers use the latest internet security tools to protect your information. We never store your credit card information or share your personal information with 3rd parties.

I still do not want to put my credit card information over the Internet. Can I place my order another way?

Yes. We are happy to take phone orders and mail orders. Just call us here at 1-877-663-7747. We can also take payment by check. We do need to receive your check first, though, before shipping your order.

How long does it normally take to ship?

We typically process your order within 1-2 business days. If you select Standard Ground shipping, shipments can take anywhere from 1-6 business days to arrive, depending on your location.

For rush ground and other express shipping options, we process your order the same business day if you place your order before 3:30 PM Mountain Time.

What different payment options do you offer?

We take Visa, MasterCard, and Discover, as well as PayPal. We can also accept personal checks or money orders by mail. We are also able to accept purchase orders from businesses. Please feel free to contact us for details.

Will I be charged sales tax?

We only charge sales tax on products purchased in Washington State by customers with a Washington State billing address.

How do I know if you received my order?

You should receive an e-mail order confirmation within ten minutes of placing your order. Check your inbox for the e-mail address you supplied with your online order.

What is Silver Earth's refund/return policy?

Click here to go to Silver Earth's returns page.

How can I order a catalog?

E-mail your name and address to or give us a call here at 1-877-663-7747.