About Us

Michael V. Khalsa

Michael V. Khalsa

Michael is the CEO of Silver Earth and Chief Architect. He has been involved with both hardware and software development since the early 1980s, with achievements including the design of specialized processors at CalTech.

“I believe in bringing excellence to as many areas of life as possible, and I have matched that with the determination to bring the vision of SeCommerce through to fruition. We at Silver Earth continue to innovate with a rapid response time to the needs of our customers, as they grow and refine their enterprises.”

“My aim is to develop a product that is at the top of its class, and use that to support endeavors, both in the industry and outside of it that benefit people in a greater consciousness.” – Michael

SeCommerce is a unique product through the incredible breadth and depth it offers in a single solution combined with real-time information sync across various sales channel and administrative processes, which is made possible because it is a single solution.

The superior windows based administration program allows many interactive windows open at once to match real business needs. Order fulfillment is easy to use for both small to large businesses with conveyor belts, custom business rule sorting of incoming orders into queues, sophisticated package manifesting, automated comparative shipping rates, and fulfillment work step tools.

SeCommerce is designed for multiple sales channels including a combination of fixed and mobile storefronts with unlimited cash registers, unlimited websites supporting both retail and wholesale-business-to-business sales. Simultaneously sell in marketplaces such as Amazon using a single common point for product, inventory, and fulfillment.

The SeCommerce engine sits on top of the .Net framework to make available almost any conceivable functionality for your web sites, including sophisticated control of products, pricing, checkout flows, and other information varied and tailored to particular customers.

All of this is done with an architecture designed for speed, even working on dial-up connections. SeCommerce can handle a large amount of loading on a server with a remarkable minimal resource usage.

“In the course of developing this product over the last 16 years, I have brought many innovations cultivated through original thinking and refined through co-operation with real businesses. My experience has shown that there are typically both brute force and eloquent solutions for each problem.

In software, eloquence includes speed, depth, and the ability to adapt to unforeseen use cases. Through an intelligent and penetrating application of sharpening each aspect of SeCommerce, keeping the whole picture in mind including speed and load, with a fluent skill in coding, I believe we are definitely a very eloquent solution.”